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How to start a remodeling project and love the results

by Joseph Sheiner

Whether you’re tired of your old bathroom or you’re wanting to increase the value of your home, starting a bathroom remodeling project can be a big undertaking. It’s no secret that many homeowners put off tackling much-needed bathroom remodeling projects. After all, a bathroom and kitchen remodeling project can be a daunting task that requires both time and money. But if you’re finally ready to give your bathroom the attention it deserves, where do you start?

Here are the necessary steps to take that will get you closer to the bathroom of your dreams. gives a useful list of how to find the right contractors for you and your remodeling project.

The first thing you need to do before making any inquiries is to have an idea or clear plan in mind, Before reaching out to either the contractor or your local Home Depot or Lowes. Have a clear vision of what your project will be. Is this a small-scale job with minimal minimal work being done to your bathroom, with paint, or new hardware? Or is this a big-scale job that will involve a change to the layout of the entire bathroom?

Write down exactly what you’re hoping to do, and be sure to record important information such as your budget and availability. It ll make any remodeling project easier to plan and prepare for.

Next, figure out your timeline. When do you want the project to be done? How much are you willing to spend? Are you thinking you need to tear down any walls or move any of the plumbing around? If your project involves removing walls, consider talking to a licensed contractor or one of us at Sheiner Construction for guidance. When you have a set plan for your home, get it all down and prepared. This way the contractor can have the clearest vision of your home, and thus can bring that vision to reality.

Finding a Home Remodeling Project Contractor Near Me

Now that you have your vision laid out, it’s time to start looking for a contractor. Finding the right contractor can be both an exhilarating and daunting task. After all, you’re asking somebody to do major adjustments to a vital area of your home. With plumbing, electricity, and other elements of the home being exposed during a remodel you’ll want to make sure that only the right people are going to be working with the knowledge needed to get the job done while in your home.

But with every business in your area popping up on your radar and claiming to be the best, how do you figure out which is the right fit for you? There are multiple directions you can choose to go, each with its own pros and cons. Here’s a rundown of what to think about for your next home remodeling project.

How to find a home remodeling project contractor online

The internet is a fantastic tool that needs no introduction. It’s as easy as plugging in the phrase “bathroom contractors near me” and a list pops up curated just for your search result. But now that you have the list, how can you make your pick? Check online review sites such as Yelp or Google Reviews, and look for reviews that include photos before and after the work is done.

These can be vital factors in making your decision, as customers who were happy (or dissatisfied) with their experience will be eager to share their stories with you. Also check their website and make sure that they have a long enough history with bathroom remodeling services is a good place to start.

Recommendations From Trusted People- Perfecting Your Remodeling Project

An age-old tactic is asking your friends and family! If someone you know, whether they’re family or friend, or coworker, has recently had their bathroom remodeled, ask them about their experience. Getting a recommendation from a friend helps ease the process since you’re more likely to trust the word of a friend than a stranger online.

There’s also another perk to following the word of a friend, some businesses are more eager to work with you if you mention that a past client recommended you. This not only helps the business but also gives you a good relationship with them right off the bat!

Reaching Out for Help With Remodeling Project Concerns

So let’s say you’ve narrowed down your search to a few selected businesses. Maybe they had a long list of five-star reviews, maybe they helped your grandma with her bathroom remodel. But you’re still unsure which to go for. Perhaps two, in particular, look too good to be true, or your favorite pick only has large bathrooms in their “completed” shots and yours is a small room.

The next step to take here would be to conduct interviews with everyone! Bring those notes we mentioned in the beginning and take them to the contractors. Provide them with a brief description of your goal and ask them any questions or concerns you may have. Don’t forget to take notes as the interview goes on, you’ll be returning to those when you do your final assessment at the end of the remodeling project.

Some of the questions you might want to ask the contractors before the remodeling project begins are…

  •  Who specifically will be working on this project? Will they be your employees or subcontractors?
  • Are you licensed and insured? Can you provide your contractor license number and certificate of insurance?
  • Have you or your employees been certified in remodeling or had special training or education (certified remodeler, certified lead carpenter, certified remodeler specialist, certified kitchen and bath remodeler)?
  • What are your payment expectations? You can also ask for a list of references, which the contractor will likely be eager to provide. After all, any business wants its happiest customers to share those good stories and boost their ratings! But keep in mind that the references they provide will be their biggest fans, so expect the happy customers to tilt their experiences in a positive light for the company.
  • A good way to make sure that these references are relevant is if they’re from recent jobs. Look out for companies that only provide references that aren’t from within a year, that can be a red flag.

    When contacting your contractor references, here are a few questions to ask about their remodeling project experiences…
  • When was your project completed?
  • How much did your project run over budget (if at all)?
  • Were you satisfied with their work?
  • Was the contractor (and any subcontractors) professional and courteous throughout the process?
  • Would you hire them again for future projects? Conducting interviews, and checking online reviews, with both the contractor and past clients can be a big step in finding the right people for you. But you still might be a bit unsure of which contractor to go with. Here are a few more steps, as well as important questions to ask.

What Goes Into a Bathroom Remodeling Project?

Understanding the full process of a bathroom remodel can not only help you determine the right contractor for you but also assist them in providing you with the right service for your project. As you interview your contractor, here are a few subjects that can help your decision.

  • Your budget for this project, while you will need to have some flexibility will also need to provide a hard cutoff point.
  • For bathroom design, bring in picture samples of what direction you want to take the look and design of the bathroom so your contractor can provide the right information.
  • Fixture types, this assists in finding the right design and can open the contractor to showing you what they have to offer in terms of parts and ordering.
  • The placement of electrical components and plumbing can be a great window into how they perform the remodeling project. Ask if they can provide photos of previous wiring or plumbing jobs so you can see firsthand what they can do.
  • Acceptable working hours, this is another key factor to take into account. Can they provide their services in a way that works with your own schedule? This is how you find out.
  • Project timeline, ask for an estimate on how long they can get the project done. This gives you a good window into their capabilities and how long to expect the process to take. During this discussion, make sure you’re both on the same page for each step of the project. Are they responsible for providing all materials and fixtures? Are you planning on supplying, or recycling, certain materials, and fixtures? Be sure to include these details in your written plan.

Bathroom Remodeling Project Estimates and Costs

As you’re making your interviews, the budget will certainly be the biggest question in your mind. Be sure to read the quotes the contractors provide carefully. Provided quotes should be detailed and include all subjects that were discussed in the interview. Remodeling contracts should include the following details…

  • Total project price
  • Scope of work
  • Site plan
  • Schedule of primary tasks
  • Change order clause
  • Express limited warranty
  • Payment schedule
  • Dispute resolution clause
  • Lien Waiver

Don’t just let the total price determine your decision. Remember the contractor’s previous work examples, the timeline, and testimonials. Make sure all of these details are what you’re looking for, sometimes the cheapest option isn’t the one that works for you. Once you’ve considered all of these details, it’s finally time to make that big decision. When you’re positive about which contractor to go with, then sign that dotted line, and you’re on your way!

Finding the right contractor can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t always have to be. Once you have a clear goal in mind, thoroughly research your options, and conduct your interviews thoroughly, you will find the contractor for your specific job in no time. Soon enough, your remodeling project will be off the ground, and you’ll be on your way to the bathroom of your dreams and we would be happy to take part in it, give us a call for a free estimate.

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